Could Stress Be Derailing Your Weight Loss Journey?

Stress is inevitable in life, but too much of it can negatively impact your health. Prolonged chronic stress can bring on a myriad of health issues, so it’s important you know how to cope. A weight loss journey can be stressful and if you’re finding the weight just won’t drop off, you may have hit a plateau, but you could also be too stressed!
Stress & Hormones
When our body senses threat, it releases cortisol, the stress hormone. This threat does not need to be life or death, it could be worrying about a work deadline or forgetting a friend’s birthday! A sense of urgency kicks in, your heart rate may become elevated, and you feel not quite yourself.
Chronic stress leads to a continued release of cortisol over time. When your body is constantly pumping cortisol through your veins in response to stress, your body holds onto fat. You also may feel hungrier, so you’ll eat more!
Sleep Disturbances
Stress can prevent us from getting enough quality sleep, which is ironic considering it can also make us tired! When we’re stressed, we tend to get restless — even in our sleep. Not getting enough sleep or getting poor quality sleep can derail a weight loss journey. Sleep is a big factor in terms of losing weight and sustaining it.
Have a look at our guide to a good night’s rest to help get some good quality shut eye.
Emotional Eating
When life gets tough, a lot of us turn to food. We seek comfort in food and unfortunately, it’s usually the sugary, high-calorie foods we reach for. Our brain knows that foods rich in sugar are going to make us feel good, and that our body will take pleasure in the quick blood sugar boost. Eating too many of these foods is going to promote weight gain!
If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, there are natural ways to soothe yourself! And nothing beats a good cry.